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To many discovering Venice means plunging in the beauties of an art city which has no equal in the world: visiting St Mark’s Square with the Doge’s Palace and the Basilica, taking a picture on the Bridge of Sighs or in Rialto, traveling the Grand Canal on a gondola or by ferryboat. For us enjoying Venice – the real Venice – is this, but also much more: that’s why we offer to take you on an unparalleled journey and give you the possibility to try unusual, original experiences, adventuring in hidden corners, among calli (the Venetian streets), campielli (the Venetian squares) and wonderful islands.

For more information or to book these activities, contact us by writing to

Venetian Rowing

you push and stay!
the million - Venetian notebook
marco paolini

"Premer" and "stair" are the two movements that Venetian rowers make, with a single oar, to move the boat forward: this is Venetian rowing, one-of-a-kind technique deriving from the particular shape of the Venetian Lagoon. In this short rowing class, onboard a typical Venetian wooden boat, you’ll learn the basics of this ancient art guided by an attendee of the Venice Historical Regatta. Want to try something even more exclusive? Every Sunday and at night you have the possibility to engage in the Venetian rowing along the Grand Canal.

Grand Canal Tour

Venice’s most important waterway, the Grand Canal crosses the city for 3.800 meters from Ponte della Libertà to St Mark's Square tracing two wide meanders that divide the historical center in two parts. During this relaxing tour onboard a motorboat, a private guide will take you in an incredible journey through Venice’s centuries of history: a once in a lifetime opportunity to discover events and stories about the magnificent palaces and charming bridges overlooking the Grand Canal that made it a special place in the world.

trip to the northern lagoon

An overall of sixty-two islands, UNESCO world heritage site, the Venetian Lagoon tells about a surprising civilization and ecosystem that carries with it evocative atmospheres of some of Venice’s oldest traditions. With this tour you will get away for a few hours from the crowd, from the calli and noble palaces downtown to find yourself surrounded by barene (the flat, low expanses of the lagoon), ghebi (minor canals crossing barene) and velme (shallow lagoon bottoms) in the lagoon, exploring a lost world made up of abandoned buildings, orchards and small forts.

Venice's secret gardens

Concealed behind high palace walls and protected by old monastery cloisters, more than five hundred gardens, orchards and rose gardens hide in downtown Venice. Lush and rich in history, most of them are closed to the public and cannot be visited, but we have the keys for some of them. If you wish to know a less-known charming aspect of Venice, this is the perfect tour for you: an accredited guide will take you on a route discovering these luxuriant green oases in the heart of Venice.


Of all Venice’s traditional boats, the barchin – a small wooden motorboat – is surely one of the most manageable: would you like to feel the thrill to guide a boat through the lagoon’s canals like a real local? Please contact our concierge: we have the possibility to offer you a barchin for rent to enjoy the lagoon in a very exciting way.

do it yourself carnival

Do you love Carnival and would you like to plunge in the fascinating world of Venetian masks? Followed by an expert master artisan, with this short class you will learn the secrets of this old Venetian art and you will create your own artwork: you will paint and decorate a paper mache mask directly with your hands according to your artistic flair. At the end of the class your mask will become a very special souvenir you can take home with you.

personal shopper

From prominent boutiques to ateliers of young artists, from the most famous shopping streets to craft shops in the less touristy places in town: in Venice also a shopping experience can become something really special if you have the right guide at your side. With our personal shopper service, you will have at your disposal a skilled consultant to guide you in a shopping day tailormade according to your taste and needs.

private photographer

A trip to Venice is something that should be captured in the best way, in order to make those moments in your heart forever. An improvised selfie is not always enough: if you want to make sure to take home wonderful photos, you can rely on the services of a private photographer. A professional who will portray you around the city or in the most romantic places following your taste and special experiences you want to catch on film.